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Chapter - 3

Chapter 3: ...What now?

After all of the guys had ran around the perimeter of the house i waited for them to clam down so i could tell them my plan.

"Hey hey hey wait i have a better plan why dont we just stay here an-" I just had to get half way threw my sentence and Kyle and the others had to cut me off.

"No Tasha im not going to put you in that danger i cant i love you to much"

"Wait at least let me finish what i was about to say gosh guys these days well as i was saying and then i was rudley interupted i will finish we stay here and let red eyes come here and use me as bait but then you guys come and kill him simples" I said the last bit with a goofy smile so i looked like a meercat.

"Red eyes?" Lucas asked and i rolled my eyes obviouse as i say that and thats the only bit they had picked up.

"Well my plan is best and i have one more twist in store but i wont let you know until the time comes and im going to go set that up now" Over the time i had been expecting something like this to happen and as my life never goes on the right tracks i had been thinking up a plan as im cool like that.

I walked up to kyle kisses him on the lips and tried to run up the stairs the key word being TRYED as Kyle had to rudely pulled me back agaist him and started kissing down my neck and i got into it for a bit but then i rembered the guys but they were not there but i had things to do so i pushed him away and looked at him and he looked at bit sad so i went up to im and hugged him.

"Im sorry i didnt mean to push away i just have things to do" I said as i made him look me in the eye.

"I love you so much"

"I know" Kyle said to me so i giggled and ran up the stairrs but he didnt catch me as i had thought he would so i looked back and he had a mixed emotion expression on his face but i couldnt be definate as it was gone as quick as it came so i made my way up the rest of the stairs and into mine and Kyles room and got my phone out and called the one person who i know probaly wouldnt answer after the last time we had talked as it ended in us both going are sepreate ways.

i had waited until she had picked up after the 5th ring of the phone.

Me: "Courtney i need your help"

Courtney: "What you finally belive me that Kyl-"

Me: "I still dont know but please bring Emily to we can sort are friend ship out i dont want to lose you as i said"

After that Courtney had said ok and i gave her the adress and she had told me that Emily had come off of her holiday early and then i passes out as i was exhausted as the events of today had wore me out.


I rolled over expecting to fing Kyle lying there but he was not and the bed was still made on his side so i doubted if he had come to bed so i looked over and the alarm clock said it was 6:30.

I got out of bed and realized i had slept in last nights clothes so i changed and slipped on some black skinny jeans and a v-neck top.

I walked out of the room after i changed and made the bed and i bumped into Zack as i was going down the stairs.

"Oh you scared me have you seen Kyle he didnt come to bed"

"Ermm well he ermm hes in the kitchen" Zack scratched the back of his head and waved goodbye before running up the stairs.Wierd,And why would Kyle be in the kitchen.
